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Today (November 1st) is Knitting Pattern Central's 8th birthday. Party time!!! - 4533 days ago Knitty.com Deep Fall Issue - See the Patterns! - 4576 days ago Visit our sister site: Crochet Pattern Central Cross Stitch Pattern Central Tatting Pattern Central Embroidery Pattern Central |
Encouragement and TestimonialsHere you can read or submit your own humorous stories and bits of encouragement, whether they be nostalgic, mirthful, or thought-provoking. Any memorable, true-life knitting story qualifies, so sit back and relax to read--or submit! Jump to submit form ![]() Friday, November 02, 2012Name: Carol Subject: starting age to knit Comment: I was especially moved by the comment to keep going when I am discouraged, that it will get better. I have had no lessons, just a little demonstration. I can knit and purl but do not know how to fix mistakes. So I am always going to the yarn store to have the owner help me. I need lessons. I am 64 and just learning how to knit. Never too old to learn a new skill. ![]() Tuesday, October 23, 2012Name: Dottie Subject: knitting poem Comment: Over a landscape, lethargic and warm, ![]() Monday, October 22, 2012Name: charlene taylor Subject: Learning to knit Comment: In responce to Roxanne Young. You are never to old to learn how to knit. You are a young lady at age 23. I learn to knit at 47 years old. You will get discourage at times, keep on knitting it will get better. ![]() Friday, October 19, 2012Name: Roxanne Young Subject: So interested in learning how to knit! Comment: I read in the newspaper that they recommend knitting to patients with dementia because it boosts memory. I am 23 years old and i am starting to learn how to knit. I will be attending classes at Michael's crafts . Wish me luck! I am a bit discouraged because of my age . Alot of you started knitting way too young. I hope it's not too late for me :D ![]() Wednesday, October 17, 2012Name: Elba Subject: Knitting is my life Comment: I really love knitting. I started knitting when I was 10 years old, and now I'm 61. I have ever created and knit doll's clothes. As in my city there wasn't knitting needles, I traveled to Caracas (Venezuela) with my parents and sister to buy them. Even though I have many, many needles, I feel that my first ones US # 6 are the best and I still knit using them. Actually, in my city there are nice yarn and needles stores. So, I'm happy teaching and knitting. Thanks for this page! ![]() Friday, October 12, 2012Name: Halainn Subject: Knitting Rocks! Comment: I have been knitting for about 7 years now and I'm 14. My Grandma taught me how a long time ago and I have found it hard to put my needles down since! I have knitted 4 sweaters with cables and a TON of other little stuffies and trinkets and all sorts of shtuff. Actually I think I may have a small obsession with cables... ![]() Tuesday, October 09, 2012Name: knitting jane! Subject: krstens post Comment: reading kristens message i just wanted to say my grand daughter charley rose who was 4 yesterday has been asking me for ages if i will show her how to knit and we have had a couple of sessions with her sat on my knee and we are using the needles that my mum used to teach me when i was about 6. history in the making. they very short golden metal size 10s. i am never without knitting and perhaps she will be the same. ah bless. ![]() Saturday, October 06, 2012Name: Misty Subject: Knitting is an excellent, creative hobby to have! Comment: Hello! I absolutely love knitting. I started knitting a month or two ago, and I'm 11. I created a blue mini bag with a yellow handle and a navy and white closable mp3 case. Those were my very own patterns! Anyways, I had tons of fun looking through the cool patterns, it inspired me to knit this pillow I'm working on. ![]() Saturday, October 06, 2012Name: Amy Subject: Innocent Smoothie Hats!!! Comment: Hello, my name's Amy, I'm 13 and i've been knitting since i was about 7. I live in the uk and i recently found out about the innocent smoothies hat knitting, till about october you can send in your tiny knitted hats (pattern is on the innocent smoothies website) or you can make up your own, the only rule is they have to be able to fit snugly on innocent smoothie bottles, in november, the innocent smoothies are sold with the hats you knit on them and 25p ( i think that's about 40 cents) go towards keeping older people warm through winter, it's a really great cause and they're so small you can make loads of different paterns with all your oddments of wool, i missed the deadline to get them in this year, but i'm hoping to have a sackfull to give away next year and i recomend, even if you don't live in the uk to get your needles out for this wonderful cause:) Have Fun Knitting!!! ![]() Tuesday, October 02, 2012Name: Karen Subject: back into knitting Comment: i earlier posted me having problems getting back into knitting . Well with the help of a friend i joined a church group who knits for the community and church.Im so excited to have joined this group I still need help in knitting but now i have support thanks to the knittingpattercentral for all there nice patternsand help You people are great. Now i really love knitting again ![]() Tuesday, September 25, 2012Name: Maria Subject: Teaching Comment: I have been knitting since I was seven years old. Six years later, I have been knitting items for gifts, myself, and for our local hospital. I love knitting, and when two of my friends (one of them left handed) asked me to teach them, I was ecstatic. We had a great time (though it was a little difficult on a school bus during a 2 hour road trip) and it was so great being able to show my friends the joy of knitting. I even taught my left handed friend to knit left handed! I am also very grateful for this wonderful website. Since I discovered it a few years ago, it has been my go-to resource for projects and has opened my eyes to the world of online knitting patterns. Thank you! ![]() Thursday, August 23, 2012Name: Zahra Subject: Knitting is AWESOME Comment: I recently started knitting. You might want to know that im ten years old. My mom taught me after 2 months of wanting to learn. I am in the process of knitting the very easy pencil case pattern for the beginning of school in 2 weeks. If you are hesitant about learning to knit or always stressed or have a lot of free time on your hands (or if you're alive) you should definitely learn to knit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ![]() Friday, August 03, 2012Name: Kristen Subject: Thank you!!! Comment: I am obsessed with knitting! My grandma taught me when I was 4 years old and I have been knitting ever since! (I'm going to be 30 in 2 weeks...eeek) I just wanted to say I LOVE Knitting Pattern Central, I always come here for inspiration when I'm looking for my next project. ![]() Friday, July 27, 2012Name: Anonymous Subject: "Dificult" Knitting Comment: I am a 13yr old knitter who completed a beautiful Fair Isle Border Pattern Sweater (my first sweater). Even of you're young, don't be afraid to try the difficult things. ![]() Tuesday, July 24, 2012Name: sujatha Subject: i am missing it tooooo much Comment: I have been knitting at my age of 5yrs. While seeing my mother doing it, i used to tie all the waste yarn and knit it. I made more than 25 sets of sweaters including shawl,mittens, pants,shorts,caps and shoes during my pregnancy. After that i started working in bangalore. Now i have become too busy that i don't have time to think about it. So i don't know how to start it again. But i love knitting too much ![]() Select A Page Share your own experiences by filling in the form below... Notice: If you want to send me (the webmistress) a "thank you" using this form, that is fine (I appreciate it). However, I may not be posting it publicly for all to see, and I have no way of responding without knowing your email address. Notice: By submitting your content, you are agreeing to have it displayed on this page. I retain the right to edit and/or refuse unsuitable content. (Unsuitable content includes questions and help requests.) All submissions are checked before being published. |
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