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Tips 'n Tricks

Do you have a helpful hint or handy trick that will make any aspect of knitting easier? Share it! Post ideas on scrap yarn usages, stitch markers, color changing, maintaining your sanity while following a difficult pattern, etc. There is most probably someone out there that will benefit from your help. Need ideas yourself? Read others' comments--we all live and learn!

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008Name: Francoise

Subject: Sleeves

Comment: I always knit the two sleeves at the same time, that is, the two sleeves on one knitting needle. That way, the sleeves are exactly the same length and decreases/increases are at the same place.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008Name: Phyllis Crutchman

Subject: Knitting Needles

Comment: I make my own knitting needles from different sized wooden dowels purchased from craft stores. First, I cut the length of needle I want then I sharpen it with a pencil sharpener. To smooth the point and the needle, I use a fine sand paper. You can paint them, or or spray polyurethane etc. For the ends, you can glue beads, small wooden balls, or make clay ends. Or, wrap a small rubber band several times around. (lazy way) Ha! Use them, sell them, give them away, whatever! It's fun.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008Name: Sandy

Subject: keeping track

Comment: I put my patterns in plastic project holders, and as i go, I use a dry erase marker to make any notions, then erase when done. Also comes in handy if anything gets spilled, and saves them from getting wrinkled.

Saturday, February 23, 2008Name: trix harrison

Subject: Leftover Yarn

Comment: What do you do with those little balls of wool that are left when your garment is finished, and when you sew up, what do you do with the snippets you cut off? We are a group of women who knit all year round for the less fortunate, and those little balls of wool will put a stripe in a hat or mitts, the snippets will help stuff a toy for a craft person to use. Check in your area, no wool need be wasted. There is always someone we can help.

Saturday, February 23, 2008Name: Edjezz

Subject: Patterns

Comment: I am technology geek and since I have my laptop computer with me all the time I take the time to type out a pattern in MS Word and add scanned graphics. The benefits of going through all that trouble is that I can easily copy and paste the section I am working on and use the highlighter feature so one glance and I can see where I am at. I still rely on paper patterns at times and use the various methods that others have talked about. My preference is sticky index cards. I also have a magnetic chart holder I use for charted designs.

Sunday, February 17, 2008Name: Melanie

Subject: Yarn and needles

Comment: i'm only 10 and i started knitting last year at my school. my schools student store sells cinch sacks. so i bought two. 1 big 1 for all my spare yarn and a small 1 for all my needles.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008Name: Anna

Subject: Storage and Such

Comment: If you buy some incense that smell good in the package, but not so great when you burn them, you can put them in your yarn storage bin to make it smell nice.. And if they came in the tube, you can use that for needles!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008Name: Laina

Subject: arm warmers

Comment: I just made some arm warmers. the pattern is very easy, just co 30 stitches, rib 4 rows, stockinette 5 inches, and rib 4 more rows then sew up the side, leaving a hole for the thumb.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008Name: Andy [Andrea] michaelson

Subject: stockinette stitch

Comment: I found out that when your doing stockinette stitch it always helps to know what side your on! so if your on the [bumpy] side you KNIT. ON the [smooth] side you purl

Friday, February 08, 2008Name: abby

Subject: fingernail files

Comment: I keep a little book of files i got at target in my knitting bag for fingernails, rough needles, etc.

Monday, February 04, 2008Name: Jill

Subject: Needle Case

Comment: A great way to make a simple needle case is to use a purchased place mat. Fold one end up longways and sew the edges together. Then stitch up the pocket in neat lines to make thin pockets for individual sets of needles. :)

Wednesday, January 30, 2008Name: Marty from Munster IN

Subject: To go knit-crochet accessories

Comment: After having got stuck at some point in my needlework away from home because I didn't have the right stuff with me, I have made up 2 "to go" bags of supplies. I used old zip-up cosmetic cases, and put in a tape measure, small scissors, markers, a pencil or pen, needle point protectors etc. These can then be grabbed on the way out the door to put into whatever project I'm taking to work on. I try to take something with me whenever we go out -if DH is driving. It's amazing what you can get done just around town!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008Name: Stephie

Subject: stuffing

Comment: Instead of buying more stuffing one day, i was short, i cut up a plastic bag and used that. It helps the enviroment and works great!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008Name: Susan/Red Wing MN

Subject: Keeping track of where you are

Comment: I have read several tips that suggest writing each row of a pattern on an index card and then flipping the card as you knit to keep your place in the pattern. I have a similar idea, but instead of using index cards, I use a small spiral notebook. The process works the same, just turn a page as you finish a row, but you never risk getting things out of order as the spiral keeps all the pages together.

Sunday, January 27, 2008Name: AnnMarie

Subject: Marking pattern

Comment: I often keep post it notes with my patterns. They are self stick. I move the post to each row in the instructions that I am working on. I am able to write on the post it, thus, saving my pencil marks...all notes are made on the post it. When I am done with the pattern...I can throw out the post it...and best of all my books are not marked.

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