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Tips 'n Tricks

Do you have a helpful hint or handy trick that will make any aspect of knitting easier? Share it! Post ideas on scrap yarn usages, stitch markers, color changing, maintaining your sanity while following a difficult pattern, etc. There is most probably someone out there that will benefit from your help. Need ideas yourself? Read others' comments--we all live and learn!

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Sunday, December 21, 2008Name: Giovanni

Subject: circular needles

Comment: Getting started on a row with circular needles makes me very nervous as I tend to twist the yarn and then discover it 5 rows up..Now I start the first two rows on straight needles and then go to circular. I can see the 2 rows clearly and never twist the yarn. A little creative sewing can join the two rows when you are finished with the piece. Works for me!

Sunday, December 21, 2008Name: Emma Smith

Subject: Handy Hint to help sewing up your work

Comment: This isn't my tip, but one from my grandma, as I've only been knitting for two months, but it has really helped me when I'm stitching up my work.

Slip the first stitch of every row and ALWAYS knit the last stitch.

This creates little bobbles at the ends of the rows (if you do it you'll see what I mean) which are easily matched up when stitching your work together!

Simple but genius ... Thanks Grandma!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008Name: Karen

Subject: :-D

Comment: Tip
If you don't understand what you're reading, remember that you can always watch how-to videos for free, and sometimes the 10th try makes the first success that much sweeter. It does help to use different methods.

FYI, Im horrible at math and I had to teach myself, so if I can pick it up, you'll be a wiz in no time.

Fun Fact
Check out this article:
Knitta Please! It's graffiti that you can cuddle up to.
Talk about a revolution:

Your Thread-headed Buddy,

Saturday, December 13, 2008Name: Lisa

Subject: Dpn tip

Comment: I actually found this out by accident. If you are new to double pointed needles it may help to knit the first row on two needles before moving them to the other needles. It really helps me!

Saturday, December 06, 2008Name: Winifred from Scotland

Subject: wine bottle bag

Comment: I have already sent a tip about this, but I had to tell you I came across a wine bottle bag that holds nine bottles in the pound shop, you can imagine how much wool that will fit into that. You will always have different colours with you when you need them. Also if you have lots of knitting needles you can keep sizes separate and it makes it easier to find.
I do hope any tip I send helps somebody.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008Name: Alexis

Subject: Beginning

Comment: If you have friends or family who are beginning to knit tell them not to freak out, my little sister started she got so mad because she kept messing up but she slowly got better and is pretty good at it.

Monday, December 01, 2008Name: Caitlin

Subject: just a few tips

Comment: lately a lot of my friends have been impressed with these so I thought I'd share them...

when I knit a project, especially with two or more colours, I keep the ball in a zip lock baggie. this prevents tangles and since i bring my projects everywhere, crumbs and such in my purse don't get stuck in the yarn.

also, if you're looking to start your needle collection, check out your local thrift store. I got so many in fine condition for about 50 cents per pair!

Monday, December 01, 2008Name: Winifred Scotland

Subject: tidy bag

Comment: When I have to work with more than one colour or even just to keep wool from rolling about I sometimes use a wine bottle bag, the wool fits neatly into it and you can see at a glance the colour you are working on.

Saturday, November 29, 2008Name: Olivia

Subject: Needle Storage

Comment: If you're like me and you have multiple sets of needles in one size, those organisers that you hang from a door for shoes work well because you can organise your needles by size. One pocket, one size.

Thursday, November 27, 2008Name: Chelsey

Subject: Lion Brand Box

Comment: I recentally purchased the Lion Brand knitting box and it has all the things in it for a beginner. I'm not really a beginner but I loved it. I still use it to put some knitting stuff in. (no,i dont work for lion brand)

Thursday, November 27, 2008Name: Alison - from Birmingham UK

Subject: Yarn storage

Comment: Do you know those storage 'nets' sold for storing soft toys? They hang from a hook, are made of netting and usually have three or more divisions?

I recently found one that has 6 divisions. I bought it and have managed to store ALL my yarn, with space to spare. I am amazed at the amount it holds.

I hang it next to a set of shelves, it doesn't look unattractive, and it takes up minimal space.

In England, they can be bought in the pound shops - I think they are called thrift shops in the US.

Thursday, November 20, 2008Name: Sky

Subject: Yarn/Patterns

Comment: I'm new to knitting, but just recently I printed out a bunch of patterns and three-hole punched. After sticking them in a binder, I found that I had created my own little knitting book!

A good idea is to have a zipper-top baggie with which you can put of of the yarn scraps, that can't be knitted, into that bag. That way, if you run out of stuffing, you have extras on hand.

Thursday, November 20, 2008Name: Sally

Subject: going the right way

Comment: When I first started to knit I would have one part of a row longer than the other. A friend told me that when you lay your work down in the middle of a row and pick it up again always have your yarn on the right side that way you are going in the right way.

Thursday, November 20, 2008Name: Sally somerset Wisc

Subject: stretch yarn

Comment: For left-over yarn I roll it in a ball. To keep it loose so it does not get stretched out I wind it over my fingers about 10 times then take my fingers out and place them over the ball and repeat until complete. Put it in a baggie with the lable with the color/dye lot etc. for further use.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008Name: Aneeta Patel

Subject: Knitting Rules!

Comment: Rule Number One: Always count your stitches at the end of every row. This is especially helpful to beginners and if you are knitting a new stitch pattern.

Rule Number Two: Don't put down your work in the middle of a row. It's so easy to forget where you are!

Rule Number Three: Knit at least two rows every days. This is a good one for beginners to get used to the techniques and if you are knitting a complicated pattern (so you remember the pattern from one day to the next and don't have to spend the first half an hour remembering where you are!)

These rules are from my new book: Knitty Gritty - Knitting for the Absolute Beginner, by Aneeta Patel (published by A&C Black 2008). For more info,

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